Where are Arecor’s headquarters and facilities located?

We are a UK company based at Chesterford Research Park, Little Chesterford, CB10 1XL. Please see our Contact Us section for further information.

When did Arecor go public and where are Arecor’s shares traded?

Arecor was admitted to the London Stock Exchange on 3rd June 2021. Arecor’s shares are traded on AIM.

Who are the main shareholders?

Please see our list of major shareholders

How can I obtain a hard copy of Arecor’s latest Annual Report?

Please send your request via our on-line contact form.
A copy of our Annual Report can be downloaded here, after publication

When will you be announcing your next set of results?

Please see our Financial Calendar

How can I receive alerts when Arecor makes regulatory announcements?

Please register for our email alerts here

Which financial analysts cover Arecor?

Analyst research on Arecor is written by Panmure Gordon, Singer Capital Markets and Trinity Delta.  Trinity Delta research is available here.

Who do I contact if I have lost my share certificate or have changed address?

Please contact our share registrar, Computershare Investor Services plc: https://www.computershare.com/uk

How can I contact Arecor?

If you have an Investor Relations enquiry, please contact us on ir@arecor.com

For more information, please visit the website of Computershare, our share registrar: