Market Need

There are a broad range of biotherapeutic products both on the market and within development that are delivered via intravenous infusion. Whilst therapeutically effective, this route of delivery poses significant challenges as it requires a lengthy infusion delivered by health care professionals in a medical setting, which is inconvenient for the patient and represents a significant cost burden on healthcare systems.

It is highly desirable, both from a patient quality of life and compliance perspective, as well as a reduction of in the cost burden, to enable subcutaneous rather than intravenous delivery of these biotherapeutics. However, the complexity of the challenges in the product formulation of a stable aqueous product has limited the switch to subcutaneous delivery for many products. For these products to be effective, the active ingredient needs to be formulated at a significantly higher concentration for subcutaneous delivery, but still address stability and high viscosity limitations.

What Arecor can do

Our Arestat™ technology offers a series of formulation options that have been specifically designed to overcome the challenges associated with delivering product reformulations that enable a switch from intravenous infusion to subcutaneous delivery. In particular, the technology, addresses:

  • Aggregation control
  • Viscosity reduction
  • Improved chemical stability